Introduction to Harness GraphQL API
Query Harness' public GraphQL API using our API Explorer, Postman, or your custom applications.
Harness API Explorer
Describes how to use Harness API Explorer.
API Schema and Structure
Describes about Harness API schema and structure.
Building Applications Using Postman
Describes how to build browser-based queries in Postman for Harness GraphQL APIs.
Trigger Workflows or Pipelines Using GraphQL API
Describes how to trigger a Workflow or a Pipeline using GraphQL API.
Filter Harness Entities using Harness Tags in the API
Harness provides advanced tagging features for all or your Harness Application entities (Services, Environments, Workflows, etc), as described in Assign Metadata Using Tags and Apply Filters Using Ta…
Fetch Artifact Source Details Using GraphQL APIs
This topic describes how to add connections for Artifacts in ArtifactSources.
Use Cloud Providers API
Use the Cloud Providers API
Use Harness Applications API
Shows how to create and update Harness Applications using API calls.
Use Services API
Provides detail of some common basic queries that your applications can execute against the Harness API.
Use Workflows API
Show queries that your applications can execute against the Harness Workflows API.
Use Infrastructure Definition API
Query the Harness Infrastructure Definition API.
Use Pipelines API
Lists sample queries on how to use Pipeline APIs.
Use Approvals API
Query and approve pending Approval steps and stages using Harness approvalDetails GraphQL API.
Resume Pipeline Executions using API
You can use the resumeExecution API to resume Pipeline deployment executions that meet the following criteria -- Failed. Aborted. Expired. Rejected. You cannot resume Successful or Paused executions. T…
Use Trigger APIs
This topic provides information on how to create, read, update, and delete Triggers using the Harness API.
Fetch Artifact Type Details Using GraphQL APIs
Describes how to fetch details of Artifact Type using GraphQL APIs.
Fetch Deployment Artifact Information using GraphQL APIs
This topic explains how to fetch artifact information when deployments are successes, failures, or still running. You can use the WorkflowExecution API to obtain details on all of the artifacts in th…
Sync and Clean Up Artifact Stream using the Harness API
Harness provides a the artifactCleanup() mutation to sync the artifact versions collected by Harness with the artifact source you set up in your Harness Service.
Use Users and Groups API
Provides examples of how to create Harness users and user groups, and how to assign permissions to the users and User Groups, using API calls.
Use Audit Trails API
Lists common audit trail queries.
Use API to Retrieve IDs by Name
Describes how to use API to retrieve IDs by name.
Encrypted Text API
Sample GraphQL queries to create, read, update, and delete Harness secrets that rely on encrypted text.
Encrypted Files API
Sample GraphQL queries to read and delete Harness secrets that rely on encrypted files.
SSH Credentials API
Sample GraphQL queries to create, read, update, and delete Harness secrets that manage SSH keys.
WinRM Credentials API
Sample queries to create, read, update, and delete Harness Secrets that manage WinRM credentials.
Add Git Connectors Using API
Describes how to add Git connectors using Harness GraphQL APIs.
Add a Docker Artifact Source Using API
Describes how to add a Docker Artifact Source using Harness GraphQL API.